Sporkyhits.com FAQs

What is a traffic exchange?

Traffic exchanges are online services
where web site owners trade traffic.
Other members of Sporkyhits.com will
view your web site when you visit the
sites of other members.

How Do I Receive Hits?

Click 'Surf' on the members area menu
to start viewing sites from other members.
You will earn credits for every site you view.
Your site will receive one hit for each credit
that you assign to your site.

Who or what is Sporky?

Sporky is the nickname of my chihuahua you can see her picture on our websites, and more via our special video's at youtube. The speed from sporkyhits happend as sporky is small, but still very fast. So the hits comming at Sporky Speed! Video Comming soon.

I see a nice option on a different site can you add it to Sporkyhits?

If you see a great game or any other benefit on a different website that you love to get added to sporkyhits just contact us via the email below. For this just include the info what you like to get added and where you had seen this then we can look if we can add it for you and all other members.

Do you offer JV upgrade's

Yes we can offer JV upgrade's to owners with a active traffic exchange which makes at least 25 Active referrals in first 2 months after receive Free JV upgrade to get yearly JV upgrade. If you are not an Traffic exchange website owner but can build a lot of active referrals just contact us ones you reach 100 Active referrals so we can offer FREE JV as well!

What can I do with my cash?

You can use your cash to purchase credits and upgrade's you can not withdraw your cash.

More questions comming soon.

To contact us please send email to webmaster(at)sporkyhits.com

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